Meet Cheryl O’Donnell, CEO of Canberra PCYC. Through their youth and community centres, PCYC offer programs that help build confidence, skills, and a sense of community.
In this edition of the ‘Meet our Partners’, we meet the wonderful Robyn Martin from Beryl Women (pictured on the right with Lorraine Johnson from The Snow Foundation)
In this edition of the ‘Meet our Partners’, we’re getting two for the price of one with Zoe Ryan, Assistant Manager and Anne Pratt, Manager, from HOME in Queanbeyan (HOME).
Francis Owusu is a leading communicator, mentor, and coach in youth cultural change, with a passion for life and people that is contagious. He started Kulture Break more than 20 years ago and by doing so, he has delivered so much value to the Canberra Community.
Nic Stuart is a former ABC Correspondent, he has written three books on Australian politics and was a 2016 Churchill Fellow. Nowadays, he’s the founder and Editor-in Chief at, a website dealing with disability issues and the NDIS.
Joel Dignam is the Executive Director of Better Renting. He has a background in organising and campaigning across non-profits, unions, and electoral politics.
This week in ‘Meet our Partners’, we get to meet Hannah Andrevski. Hannah is the founder and CEO of Roundabout Canberra, and she’s making a real difference in our local community.